I hope you have successfully installed the OBIEE 12C by following my previous blog, if not then check out the post Installing OBIEE 12C [Version]. In this blog, we will see how to configure the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) and BI Component Configuration.
Firstly, go to the below-mentioned location.
Here in my case Oracle_Home is /home/oracle/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/. If you have provided some other location then use that and then move to oracle_common and bin. There you will find rcu file. Write the below command to execute the file.
The Repository Creation Utility window will open. Click Next on the Welcome page to move ahead.

In the Create Repository window, select the option Create Repository – System Load and Product Load and click Next.

The third step is the Database Connection Details. Fill in the appropriate details and click next. A prerequisite window will appear. Once it will check, click on OK.

The fourth step is the Select Components, where we have to give the prefix name and select the components. Check all and click on next.

The next step is the Schema Password. Use the same passwords for all schemas as it will be easy to remember.

The sixth step is the Map Tablespaces. Here the default and the temp tablespace are defined for each component that we have selected in the fourth step. It automatically creates that and if you want to manage, then you can do it through the manage tablespace option.

Once you click next, a new window will appear which creates the tablespace. Click Ok once it is done.

Next comes the Summary page which gives you the details about the database and the components. Save the response file.

Click on Create and once the RCU creation completes, the Completion Summary page will come. Close it.

The RCU creation is complete. Now we will configure the components which we have to include in the BI.
Go to the below-mentioned path to run the config.sh file.
Run the config.sh file.
The Welcome page of the Oracle Business Intelligence 12c configuration will open. You will find the option to choose the components. Choose according to your preference.

The second step is the Prerequisite Checks. Let the check complete and then click on next.

The third step is to Define New Domain, here we have to specify the name of the bi domain folder where all the bi-related files get stored. You can give any name, by default it is bi and I use to name it bi_domain. The next thing is to provide a password for the Weblogic which is the domain username. Click next once you are done.

In the fourth step, we have to provide the Database Details. Remember, we defined prefix and as per that, the schema owner was created for every component we had selected during RCU creation. Here’s the use of it. We have to provide our database connection string, the prefix, and its password. Click next once you enter all the details.

The fifth step is the Port Management. By default a range of 9500-9999 is provided and the BI and web Logic Server use the port from that.

The sixth one is the Initial Application, here we have to specify whether we want a default sample report or we want our BI to be installed in a clean state. I chose the Oracle sample application (SampleAppLite). You can go with the clean slate.

The seventh step is Summary, where the component details are listed. Save the response file. Click on Configure.

The eighth step is the Configuration Progress, which is the most time taking process of the entire installation and configuration. Don’t get impatient, it will take time to configure and start all the BI services. Once done, click on next.

The last step is Configuration Complete. It will also give the detail of all the components and services. Click on Finish.

Congratulation! You have successfully installed and configured the Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 12C. Now we will verify it by logging into the BI application. Open your browser and use your IP address along with the port and then write analytics with a backward slash like shown below.
<IP ADDRESS>:9502/analytics
The login page will appear. Enter your username which is weblogic and the password which you have specified for that and hit enter. The OBIEE analytics page will open.

We have installed the sample report as well so let’s check that as well.

Hope this blog was helpful to you. If you have any queries then feel free to comment, I will try to resolve it.
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For consulting, mail me at techanswersweb@gmail.com.
How can we change Console , analytics and em ports choosen by default by OBIEE ?
This document might help you.
Can you please also demonstrate installation and configuration of OBIA 10.3?